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SI-projektet Baltic Energy Innovation Centre slutrapporterat och godkänt

Svenska Institutet har finansierat etablerandet av Baltic Energy Innovation Centre som en plattform för internationellt samarbete i Östersjöregionen och närliggande regioner via projektinitieringsbidrag.

Projektet löpte 2017-05-01 till 2018-09-30 med Lithuanian Energy Institute och Gas Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine som projektpartners.

Baltic Energy Innovation Centre hade sitt konstituerande möte den 23 juni 2017 och registrerades hos bolagsverket den 12 juli 2017. Kort därefter blev Baltic Energy Innovation Centre beviljat medel via Interreg South Baltic-programmet som ansvarig för arbetspaketet “Communication and dissemination” för projektet COASTAL Biogas.

Slutrapport och ekonomisk redovisning har skickats in till Svenska Institutet och blivit godkända.

BEIC besökte Linneaeus universitetet i Växjö

Den 27 september besökte Jörgen Held prof. Ulrika Welander vid Linnaeus Universitet i Växjö.

Prof. Welander har ett långt och imponerande “track record” inom biogasområdet. Rötningsförsök inom flera stora biogasprojekt, t.ex. Wetland, Algae and Biogas och Biogas – New substrates from the sea utfördes av hennes grupp. De experimentella faciliteterna spänner över hela intervallet från reaktorer i labbskala upp till en reaktor som är en halv kubikmeter.

Reaktor- och processdesign såväl som test av nya biogassubstrat utgör kärnan av aktiviteterna.

Jörgen Held presenterade Baltic Energy Innovation Centre och lyfte fram några av dess projektaktiviteter.

BEIC seminar on biogas

On the 14th of August the BEIC seminar on biogas upgrading took place at Radisson BLU, Malmö, SWEDEN. 80 participant from more than 13 countries participated. The presentations are available online at Just click on the titles in the programme.

80 participant from more than 13 countries participated.

Andrius Tamosiunas
Dr. Andrius Tamosiunas gave a presentation on the biomethane situation in Lithuania.

Richter ECOS GmbH
Richter ECOS GmbH together with Ammongas A/S, Biothane, Hegaxon, Cryo Pur, Gas Detect and Paques exhibited at the seminar.

Visit at Fraunhofer UMSICHT

On the 26th of January Jörgen Held visited Fraunhofer UMSICHT in Oberhausen, Germany to discuss possible future collaboration.

Dr. Joachim Krassowski, Dr. Ute Merrettig-Bruns and Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Jochum gave an insight into the biogas development at Fraunhofer UMSICHT including biological methanation. The meeting ended with a tour in the Power-to-gas laboratory.

Visit at UMSICHT
From left: Jörgen Held, Baltic Energy Innovation Centre, Dipl.-Ing Oliver Jochum and Dr. Joachim Krassowski, Fraunhofer UMSICHT.

BEIC at the EBA conference in Antwerp, Belgium

Jörgen Held was invited to chair the gasification session at the European Biogas Association’s biennial conference, 24-25 January in Antwerp, Belgium.

Some of the conference highlights include the strong message from major natural gas actors in France that renewable methane is at the top of the agenda. At 2030 the target is to have 30% renewable methane in the gas grid and 100% by 2050. This will be achieved by injection of renewable methane produced through anaerobic digestion, gasification of woody biomass and Power-to-gas.

Prof. Reinhard Rauch presented an overview of biomass gasification development in Europe. There is approx. 500 small scale gasifiers for CHP production installed in Germany and approx. 1,000 in Europe.

Prof. Henrik Thunman presented results of the GoBiGas project where woody chips are converted to biomethane with a conversion efficiency of 65%. The capacity is 20 MW biomethane.

Dr. Olivier Guerrini presented the biomethane potential in Europe and ongoing bioSNG development including the GAYA development platform.

Dr. Christiaan van der Meijeden presented the bioSNG development at ECN (MILENA, OLGA and ESME) which will be demonstrated within the AMBIGO project in Alkmaar, the Netherlands. From lab and pilot scale tests the target is a 70% conversion efficiency from wood chips to bioSNG.

The conference attracted approx. 200 participants and was opened by Mr. Ludwig Caluwé from the province of Antwerp.

Gasunie recieved the Greening Gas Award and the award for the best poster went to the Paul Scherrer Institute.

BEIC part of the COASTAL Biogas application

Baltic Energy Innovation Centre (BEIC) is a full partner and a WP-leader within the COASTAL Biogas proposal submitted on the 19th of December to the South Baltic Sea Programme.

COASTAL stands for Cluster OAnaerobic Digestion, Environmental Services and NuTrients RemovAL, and is focused on anaerobic digestion of cast seaweed in combination with digestate utilization as bio-fertilizer.

The project consortium consists of 20 partners out of which 6 are full project partners and WP-leaders;
FNR (DE) – lead partner
Gdansk University of Technology (PL)
Baltic Energy Innovation Centre (SE)
Rostock University (DE)
Roskilde University (DK)
Lithuanian Energy Institute (LT)

The proposed budget is close to 1.6 MEUR and covers lab scale and pilot testing, best practice and lessons learned, feasibility studies in close collaboration with partners able to implement the investigated technology and massive dissemination activities including 5 conferences and study tours.

Expected project start is 1 July 2018 and project end 30 June 2021.

Visit at the Gas Institute in Kiev, Ukraine

On the 18th and 19th of October 2017 Jörgen Held visited the Gas Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Besides discussion on future collaboration the Gas Institute provided an interesting study tour in their laboratories.

At the Gas Institute commercially available piston engines are modified to handle alternative gas fuels such as syngas from gasification of woody biomass, landfill gas and biogas. The work is directed by Valeriy Verbovsky, Head of Engines Group.

Prof. Boris Soroka showed an experimental set-up for combustion of natural gas and other gases in wet air.

The Head of Department of Gas Technology, Dr. Gennady Zhuk, gave a presentation on landfill gas and upgrading technology (chemical absorption) developed at the Gas Institute.

Prof. Boris Soroka, Head of Department of High-Temperature Heat and Mass Transfer and Dr. Volodymyr Zgurskyi, gave a presentation on the development of computational models and the results of simulation of a radiative tube in a boiler.

From left: Deputy Director, Dr. Gennady Zhuk, Prof. Boris Soroka, Dr. Jörgen Held and Dr. Boris Ilienko, Science Secretary.

BEIC registered at the Swedish Companies Registration Office

On the 12th of July the Swedish Companies Registration Office registered Baltic Energy Innovation Centre (BEIC) as a non-profit making association.

Founding members are
Lithuanian Energy Institute (Lithuania)
Institute for Biogas, Waste Management & Energy (Germany)
Renewable Energy Technology International AB (Sweden)

Baltic Energy Innovation Centre objectives

  • provide support and information on the development of new technologies in the field of renewable energy and its business opportunities
  • raise funds through membership fees and applications for public funds in such amounts and in such manner as the Board allows to achieve the purposes and objectives of the Association
  • support the development of renewable and innovative energy technology in general and in the Baltic region and neighbouring regions, in particular, by providing a platform for cooperation in regional, national and international projects
  • promote renewable energy through dissemination activities such as conferences, seminars, workshops and newsletters
  • increase public and political awareness of the benefits of renewable energy