Jörgen Held was invited to chair the gasification session at the European Biogas Association’s biennial conference, 24-25 January in Antwerp, Belgium.
Some of the conference highlights include the strong message from major natural gas actors in France that renewable methane is at the top of the agenda. At 2030 the target is to have 30% renewable methane in the gas grid and 100% by 2050. This will be achieved by injection of renewable methane produced through anaerobic digestion, gasification of woody biomass and Power-to-gas.
Prof. Reinhard Rauch presented an overview of biomass gasification development in Europe. There is approx. 500 small scale gasifiers for CHP production installed in Germany and approx. 1,000 in Europe.
Prof. Henrik Thunman presented results of the GoBiGas project where woody chips are converted to biomethane with a conversion efficiency of 65%. The capacity is 20 MW biomethane.
Dr. Olivier Guerrini presented the biomethane potential in Europe and ongoing bioSNG development including the GAYA development platform.
Dr. Christiaan van der Meijeden presented the bioSNG development at ECN (MILENA, OLGA and ESME) which will be demonstrated within the AMBIGO project in Alkmaar, the Netherlands. From lab and pilot scale tests the target is a 70% conversion efficiency from wood chips to bioSNG.
The conference attracted approx. 200 participants and was opened by Mr. Ludwig Caluwé from the province of Antwerp.
Gasunie recieved the Greening Gas Award and the award for the best poster went to the Paul Scherrer Institute.